Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday Joshua!!

Joshua & Sarah taking a "snow cone" break after a grueling game of water guns!
Opening his Scooter

Joshua says his favorite toy was is Lego Star Wars kit. Which I might add I have worked about three hours on this thing so far and I'm not even close to being finished!!!

Opening Sarah, Sophia and Phoebe's cool Hot Wheel gift!

Basketball relay game

Maddie is patiently waiting her turn!

Grandma Linda make his Speedracer cake

"Happy Birthday to you...."

Sunday, July 13, 2008


No, we're not in Hawaii (but I would love to be) its Vacation Bible School!
Maddie doing the Hula. She is such a crowd pleaser, everyone gets a kick out of her!

Monday, July 7, 2008

One year ago today & Happy Birthday Matt

Lets see at this time one year ago today Paula (my mother in law) and I were on a very long plane ride to China. We left on July 7, 2007, Matt's birthday about 4am and I had to call him from Chicago airport to wish him a Happy Birthday because I forgot to tell him before I left St. Louis. Can't imagine why, its not like we had anything else on our minds or anything!! Today is Matt's 39th Birthday by the way (heehee). It seems really hard to believe that Maddie has been with us a year already, wow, where has the time gone???!!!

More later.....

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Holiday World Fun

Santa Hats in July.....??? Holiday World is in Santa Claus Indiana :)
Maddie had a long day!

The scrambler

Maddie on the horse

Joshua rode this one twice! Take you up high then drops you.

Maddie makes the put

Put-Put Golf

Daddy & Joshua in the Bumper cars

Holidog, the mascot of Holiday World

A contest to see who could stay under the longest!

1...2....3.... under....

Goggle Girl.......

Goggle Boy.....


The boats

Just threw this one in there cuz it was so cute!