Crabby Hats

Just threw this one in because its so cute!

After the pageant, Joshua got Maddie a new stuffed animal, she loves animals!
Vacation was great, the beach was fabulous, the weather was wonderful and it went by entirely too quickly! We camped on the beach for a week and visited the aquarium, Dixie Stampede and a really cool place called Broadway at the beach which was just like downtown Disney. We ate at Planet Hollywood, Jimmy Buffets and a couple of other cool places. Maddie did build a bear, and Joshua and Matt did a fun MagiQuest thing where they got wands and went on a scavenger Hunt. We are thinking we want to go back again soon!
In other news..........Matt turned 40 this past week, Joshua turns 8 on the 19th and Maddie starts Kindergarten in 5 weeks. Time is flying by.